the Cygnet


working to make Cygnet an even better place to live, work and visit.

    • Over 30 people came to the free defibrillator training session on 18th March

    • The Cygnet Strategic Planning is progressing

    • The wombat pedestrian crossing on Mary Street should be completed before the end of March

    • The new playground equipment in Burton’s Reserve should be completed very soon.

    • A free defibrillator free training session will happen at the Sailing Club on 18th March. All welcome!

    • The Weekend Easter Festival: a weekend of music, art and history

      Planning is moving forward. It will involves tCA, the Cygnet Living History Museum, the Huon Valley Music Collective, and Handmade in Cygnet

    • A wombat crossing (raised pedestrian crossing) will be built soon at the town hall

    • The Burtons Reserve playground should be completed in time for the Folk Festival

    • Le Weekend is shaping up. It will be in collaboration with the Easter Music Festival and a travelling exhibition of prints of paintings done during the Baudin Expedition

    • The FOGO project is now running with 4 eateries, and going well. More info here

    • A short course on how to use a defibrillator will be held at the Sailing club 18th March 6pm. Free and all welcome.

    • The French Easter weekend is slowly taking shape!

  • On 29/10 Malcolm Johnson, Principal Climate Change for HVC, gave a presentation. Here is a summary, with links to more information.

    • Malcolm Johnson, HVC Climate Change Officer, will give a presentation at the meeting following the AGM on Tuesday 29th October 7pm

    • Burtons Park playground equipment will be delivered in October

    • Two trees were planted in Loongana Park

    • Guy Barnett says the ambulance station in Cygnet will happen mid-2026

    • A course on how to use defibrillators will be organise in Cygnet soon

    • Lowering speed limit and the wombat crossing will be happening soon on Mary Street

    • The Strategic Planning is progressing and public consultation will be starting before long

    • The new playground equipment in Burtons Reserve will be delivered in October

    • The ‘container deposit scheme’ is imminent, waiting for the equipment to arrive

    • For more news, see the summary of August minutes

    • Jessica Lucas (HVC) came to do a very informative presentation on the FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics) project, which is one of the best way to reduce waste and emissions. It will be a curbside service that will probably be introduced in 25-26. Meanwhile the FOGO pilot project will soon start in Cygnet, with 6 cafes involved.

    • tCA’s AGM will be on the 29th October. An invitation will be send to HVC Climate Change Officer Malcolm Johnson to come to the general meeting (after the AGM) to talk about what can be done locally about climate change. All welcome!

    • There is an idea to restore one of the old pickers huts before they disappear completely.

    • Huon Valley Council now has a Climate Change Officer. We will invite him to come to Cygnet to talk about his projects within the valley.

    • FoGo (Food Organics Garden Organics) bins pilot project will start soon in Cygnet.

    • One maple tree will be planted soon at the top of Loongana park, by Huon Valley Garden Club. Council will maintain it.

    • There is talk of doing the French Weekend again. Anyone interested in taking it on?

    • Burtons Reserve Playground Upgrade- option 2 presented on the public consultation was the favourite.

    • A CCTV upgrade project will be presented for consideration in the 24/25 budget

    • There will be a public consultation about plans for the safety on Mary Street before anything is decided

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